As I begin to write about what seems like the loonnnggeeessttttt four days of my life I can't help but get a little emotional. Miss Christina To'i Mapu opened her call on Christmas Eve in front her family. As she read "You have been called to serve in the Jackson, Mississippi mission", tears rolled down her cheek, she paused, took a moment in, and realized THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!

It was at that very moment that I thought..."How will it be at family events not seeing her beautiful smile or hear her contagious laughter or her dancing just because?"
Well we now had 36 days until her Sunday farewell program, 38 days until her SLC open house, and ONLY 39 days until she reports to the MTC (Missionary Training Center). The next month flew by and the farewell process began.......
On Friday January 27, 2012 after we laid our Aunty Lita to rest, my husband and I, TJ, Gene, Tina, Ofa's lil family, and Kingas lil family, all hopped in our cars and took off to Vegas to hang out for her last weekend and to attend her Farewell Program the coming Sunday. Little did we know that her best friends, and close family would also do the same. She is just
THAT loved!!
On Sunday January 29th, 2012 at the Mountain Valley Ward, which is usually small, was packed from front to back. The overflow was filled, and soon after the gym. Tina's ward sat in amazement as their chapel filled up.

A musical number by Tina and siblings and cousins started the program off just right...the spirit was so strong. And now the moment we all waited for, she walks up to the podium, tissue in one hand, scriptures in the other, and she begins! Tina spoke of Christ, having a strong foundation, and how she waited a long time for this moment. She laughed, cried, and most importantly testified that God Lives and the Church is
TRUE!!! I was so proud of her......there isn't a single memory of her that I have where she isn't doing just that.....testifying and being a great example!!!! After her program as I stood up and turned around I was amazed with all the support from friends and family, you could feel the love.

Well now that we were spiritually fed, we were now about to get PHYSICALLY FED, I mean it's what we do BEST....LOL!!!! My husband and his dad doin one of the many things they do BEST...BBQ!! If you know Tina than you KNOW that she is a total daddy's girl. Dad will do anything for his baby girl! Cooking for her all day, and making sure her guests had enough to eat. The house, in and out, was packed with friends and family from Vegas all the way to Utah and California.

The Vegas open house was a success!! Laughter, friends, family, food, oh and did I say food??? hahahah This day is what I imagine she pictured it to be!!
It was now time for us to head to her set apart and

they asked that only a few family members come...BUT try telling that to a million aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, parents, and cousins that have waited for this moment!! Well we arrive at the Stake Presidents home and from the moment we walked in you could feel a strong spirit there. President gathered dad, uncle Frank, Uncle Joe, and ministered her blessing to be set apart as a full time missionary. The moment right before the blessing the stake president looks at us and says, "When we're done she will be an official missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints". At that moment I looked at mom (my mother-in-law) and big tears just started to flow.....there was one proud momma sitting there! The prayer was so beautiful, there wasn't a dry eye in the room. As the prayer finished and she stood up I could see the glow in her eyes and I knew she would be one of the BEST sister missionaries that Mississippi has ever met.

Monday January 30th, 2012, we all hop back in our cars and head back to Utah! On Tuesday January 31st, 2012 at the Hampton Inn in Salt Lake City there is an Open House for all the family and friends who could not make it to Vegas. I mean my in-laws are like related to the whoollleee WORLD!!...lol NO JOKE!! It was no surprise to me when I arrived (really late..lol) that the room was full to capacity!!! It was another night full of fun, laughter, family, friends, and FOOD!!! This girl is truly LOVED!!
Wednesday February 1st, 2012, this is it, the day has come, she's leaving us!!! I woke up early, opened our office, made sure my camera was charged. The moment had come so fast, that by the time I had

finally realized she was leaving my eyes had already started to water. We all stood on the temple grounds taking our last pictures with Sister Christina Mapu, and than it was time to say our goodbyes!! I am NOT good at goodbyes....BUT I knew this was far more important than anything she has ever done. Than a thought comes to mind that my nephew Elder Peters shared....She will sacrifice only 18 months of her life so that families could be together for ETERNITY!! So I guess this is a good GOODBYE!!! I hugged her tight, kissed her, cried, and cried again as we watched her drive away. I pray that our Heavenly Father may watch over her and keep her safe and return her back to us after the Lord's work is done!!! I LOVE you Sister Christina Mapu with all my heart!!!
~~Your favorite Sis-inlaw...lol (jk Pam and Trish)~~
Thanks Tini! I so enjoyed this especially after not being able to attend any of it. Yes and I cried and fa'ali'i ;) because I missed it but most of all because I'll miss her and love her dearly. She is truly a unique and wonderful spirit that has blessed my life and the lives of my family. My oldest was spotlighted in class last week whom I middle named after Tina and in the spot where is said to list her hero she had put Tina's name and went on to list the various reasons why. Grateful for her wonderful example..Mississippi will be greatly blessed to have such a missionary.! Thanks again Tini love yah :)
ReplyDeleteLove this. You're a busy bee! Wish I would've made it out there with Lora. I guess we'll all have to wait next year to see Tina's big smile. For now, I'll have to drive to Orem to see yours :) Love you!
ReplyDeleteps-So glad you've joined blogger...and twitter hehe