Before I get there let me begin by sharing our (me and my husband) 3-day weekend, that seemed like a whole week...memories that will last a lifetime!
Here is exactly how our weekend panned out!
Friday February 4, 2012:
Today is the day I w

Tasha moved here while we were in the youth. Little did we know we'd be inseparable, and also related!! Me and Tasha have been through so much together, we've seen each other through the best and worst! We know everything about each other and still love e

Alright well my husband and I closed our office, packed our bags, and we were off to the "Dirty 30"! We arrive and wait for the birthday girl. I am just so anxious to see her! I haven't seen her since August!! So the moment is finally here we're going to hang out alllll night!!!! And from the moment she walked in it was like we were young teenagers again! We ate, reminisced, laughed, cried, and danced til the place shut down!! At times it seemed like we were the only ones there! We're really good at making our own!! We even did karaoke....and if you know us you know we do NOT sing haha!! The night was coming to an end and she wouldn't let me go anywhere but to where she was staying...which was at the Grande America Hotel!! Okaayyyy that was waayyy out of my everyday life!! lol....well she booked a room for my husband and I for the weekend, no questions asked!!

Saturday, February 5th, 2012:
With only an hour of sle

We arrive at the hotel to change our clothes and lo and behold our friends and family are sitting in the lobby waiting for the Los An

We were now off to Soni Olives farewell dinner, called to serve a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! I didn't have a chance to get a picture with him so this ----------> will have to do...LOL!! The place was packed and many testimonies were shared!! Kissed baby Lavona and we were off to another event.
Before arriving

What a Saturday!! We were now headed to our last party for the nephew Aaron Reupena!! He was turning 17!!! I can't believe it.........I've watched him and known him since he was a toddler!! The party was nothing less of perfection!! His mom and dad did an awesome job. From the decorations, to the food, the music, and entertainment!! You can tell by the amount of guests that were present that he is a very VERY loved young man!! He has grown to be smart, athletic, and a great example! After some dancing, a lot of eating and mingling, we were ready to KNOCK out!!!! And we were off.........
Sunday, February 6th, 2012:
It was a beautiful Sunday morning waking up at the Grande America Hotel! We got dressed, and it was a bit sad to know we were finally checking out!! Valet pulled our car up for the last time and we were off to Ray and Moni Feinga's blessing!! We pulled up right in time to hear the blessings! Ray was blessed by Uncle Myron Vea and Moni was blessed by Coach Al (Ray's football a second father). The blessing was beautiful BUT what had me and kind of threw me off guard was a certain testimony that was shared!! All the testimonies that were shared that morning were beautiful......BUT one voice drew me back in to the chapel! It was my cousin Kassie Afo Feinga. Kassie is my husbands cousin on the Samoan side. Kassie is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but there she was baring her testimony in front of this crowded church. Through her non-stop tears, and testifying of her testimony, and her savior, I too felt tears come down and a warm, over-bearing feeling came over me. Kassie testified that although she was not a member of our church she knew it to be TRUE, that her savior loves her, that he has blessed her, and that although her testimony was small and weak...she STILL has a testimony!! After what seemed like a very long weekend, that was all I needed to hear to end our weekend right!!! If that wasn't a missionary moment than I don't know what is!! My love for my savior grew just as my testimony did at that very moment!!! I am soooo grateful for her testimony, that shows that no matter how you live your life, member or non-member, our savior loves his children regardless!! I hope and pray that the missionaries take advantage of this well as our own family members!!!

With a lunch afterwards at Golden Coral provided by the Feingas, I am forever grateful to a wonderful end to a wonderful weekend!!! Through the busyness my Savior is never too busy to remind me of what's important and that he is ALWAYS there!!
What an awesome post.... You definitely had a busy weekend and thru it all you still manage to enjoy the small and simple things. Hope you have a blessed rest of the week. Can't wait to get together!