Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I believe everything happens for a reason. If Sister Kuaea (my friend and neighbor) didn't leave town for the weekend I would have never had the AMAZING opportunity to teach the CTR 6 Class. Sweet, Little, Smart, and very VERY funny primary children, whose ages range from 6-7.

I sure did NOT know what I was in for. If I would've known class was going to be sooo entertaining I would have recorded it...hahahahha!!!!!

"Jesus Christ Was a Child Like Me"

To Strengthen the children's desire to be like Jesus Christ by increasing their knowledge of Jesus' childhood.

The lesson is full of discussions, questions, examples of how they have many similarities with Jesus as a child. And so it began, the spirit was definitely present, and I think the spirit was entertained, just as I was. Here we gooooooo......let me introduce these precious spirits!!

NAME: Mataira Brown
AGE: 6...says he's almost 7
PARENTS: Kohlyne and Sasha Brown
WHAT I LEARN AT HOME: "Clean my moms bed" lol. Since his mom is my cousin I told him, "your mom should clean her own bed" hahahah.
DADS OCCUPATION: Has no clue. So I told him "your dads a lawyer", in response, he just rolled his eyes..haha

NAME: Rayli Galea'i
AGE: 6
PARENTS: Mili & Raymond Galea'i
DESCRIPTION OF HOME: She says "Outside is brown, and inside is alllllll white!"
DADS JOB: "My dad works at the BYU hospital"
In the middle of class "Miss Aloha" stands up and starts doing a hula!! hahahha
At the beginning of class she says "I'm in a different class, I switched to be in this class today" OMG this girl is too funny!!
And when Konrad named the 1st Pres of the United States she raises her hand and says "I know who the 16th president is, it's Abraham Lincoln"....Rayli is so smart!

NAME: Rita Jennings
AGE: 6
PARENTS: Norma & Lucky Jennings
WHAT I LEARN AT HOME: "When me and my mom are watching tv and we see a shake in the movie my mom always says "that's what I do at work...make shakes"" lol "That's what I learn"
MY MOMS JOB: "She makes the shakes"
Rita was so reverent in class, she raised her hand for every question, and she had lots and lots of questions!! Hmmm she must get that from her dad hahha!!!

NAME: Luke Atuaia
AGE: 7
PARENTS: Sara & Donny Atuaia
DADS JOB: "He's a teacher, and he teaches Spanish"
WHAT I LEARN AT HOME: "I learn the scriptures, and my dad teaches me Spanish too"
We talked about not doing bad things because Jesus didn't do bad things. One of the bad things Luke said we shouldn't do is COMMIT ADULTERY!
LUKE: "Can I tell the class what that means?"
ME: Ummm sure. (lol)
LUKE: Committing adultery means that when you get married you should only love the person that you get married to and no one else".....aww this was so sweet!! Great job Luke!
As soon as Luke asked to explain, Konrad yells "Nooottttt again!", while Rayli plugs her ears!! Hahahha

Luke knew every answer, and Konrad said it was because "He has a lot of church movies and he watches them alllllllllllllll the time" (while rolling his eyes) hahahahah

NAME: Konrad Taotua
AGE: 6
PARENTS: Eugenia & Fui Taotua
WHAT I LEARN AT HOME: The scriptures and Bruce Lee.
MY DADS JOB: "He makes lots and LOTS of money", "I'm poor so I want a job so I can be rich" hahhahaha
DESCRIPTION OF HOME: "My house looks like an aquarium, it's where all the animals come"
ME: "Who is the Prophet?"
KONRAD: "Thomas S Monson, AND I know George Washington was the first President of the United States, and Barrack O Bama is the United States president right now"
ME: Class what treats would you like next Sunday since you guys were so good today?
Kids: Cupcakes, candy, rice krispies, etc
Konrad: "I don't want treats, I don't want to be diabetic" hahahahahah
These kids have probably taught me more than they know. In the process of teaching them, they taught me so many things. I understand more fully Mosiah 3:19 "...........becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father."

These precious gifts from Heaven are just so perfect to me. I do believe we should all be like little children. For they love without question, forgive without hesitation, answer questions honestly, and strive to be just like Jesus .

Through all the laughter and shouting of "I WILL CHOOSE THE RIGHT", I found myself shouting "I WILL CHOOSE THE RIGHT". These little children learned that they have parents like Jesus, they eat foods like Jesus, they learn in the home like Jesus, they have hard working parents like Jesus, they have a bed to sleep in like Jesus, they have friends like Jesus, and that they definitely love like Jesus.

I am forever grateful for the opportunity I had to teach them. I can just imagine the love and care they add to each and every one of their homes to make it a little piece of Heaven! I love these kids and admire their parents and teachers who have taught them well!!!

"......BECOMETH AS A CHILD......."

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Thanks for the morning laff. I love subbing for primary. And wishing to be there permanently but i'll go wherever the Lord see's fit..haha But Kids say the darnest thing. I love them!!!
